Making The Impossible a Reality: Learn how a law firm created a custom conference app in 30 days and transformed the delegate experience.

AM Law 200 Firm: Event app for a leading international law firm

Short Summary

The case study focuses on a leading international law firm, part of the AM Law 200 (The top 200 law firms in the US), which created a customized event app for their European retreat using Fliplet. Facing time constraints and the desire for specific features not available in existing third-party software, the firm opted for Fliplet to enhance attendee experience. The app included travel and quarantine information, an admin section for important notifications, and a feature for uploading and approving photos from the event. The solution was well-received, improving ease of use and becoming a trusted conference resource, leading to further app development projects within the firm. Read below for the full case study. 


The Manager, UI/UX Development, and the team were already using a third-party conference software. It had the basics in place, but it lacked some key features and they couldn’t customize it.

With a full-scale development team in house, they looked at creating their own app, but decided that not only would that take longer than the time available before their next conference – a European retreat happening in one month – but that this was development time and resources they didn’t want to spend.


Since the firm was already considering Fliplet for other needs within the firm, it became the natural choice. The app for their retreat was the first app they created with Fliplet – under quite severe time pressures because the flights were booked and the event was fast approaching.

It meant that Fliplet’s tried and tested onboarding and training had to flex somewhat to accommodate both the tight deadline and the needs of the team.

With the new conference app built with Fliplet, the firm has been able to add a number of key features, including:

  • Travel and quarantine arrangements for multiple countries, so all attendees were clear on their specific requirements, both on the way in and the way out of the country.

  • An admin section within the app, so the onsite team could receive notifications and know that they’re all relevant to the conference. It meant they could safely ignore phone calls and emails, knowing the app would chime and they’d get a notification if vital information came through.

  • Allowing delegates to upload photos from the retreat and from social events during the conference, which could be approved internally before publishing. This was a feature they’d always wanted to add, but it wasn’t possible in their previous app.

We’re a fully functional development team, so some of the training Fliplet usually runs, we already knew all about. We wanted to open up the hood. To jump in and mess with the JavaScript… which is not your average customer!




Over the years I’ve learned that I’ll know right away if something works, or if it doesn’t work, and it has nothing to do with KPIs at that point. I’ll either get calls from everybody saying, ‘This is horrible, I’m not using it’. Or, like with the retreat app, I get emails and calls saying, ‘This is amazing! How did you do this so quickly?’

The feedback has been phenomenal. They love the ease of use, they love the way the content is laid out. It became THE trusted resource throughout the conference.


With this being the first conference after a long period of remote working, there were staff at this retreat who were new to the company and had never met anyone on their team in person. The directory feature in the app made it simple for them to know who to call if they needed help and guidance, and also made networking much easier for all of the attendees.

The app essentially acted as the “go to” resource at the retreat. If people weren’t sure of that day’s schedule or weren’t sure where they were meant to be at any given time, they could go to the app.

Ultimately, the app was widely used and praised, and this set the stage for the company to go on to create additional apps.

Future Plans

Alongside the conference app, the team has built five other working apps, including a directory app, a return to work app with hotelling, and an onboarding app for new recruits. There are more apps in the pipeline.

Fliplet has 100% helped us to deliver solutions quicker. The conference app worked so well that it has literally opened the floodgates internally. We’re full speed ahead - we just keep building apps!


AM 200 Law Firm

The client is an international law firm with 1000+ staff and represents companies across a wide range of business and industries.

Challenges | Solution | Results
  • Challenge: The company aimed to facilitate travel and logistics for its staff attending their first in-person conference in 18 months but encountered a unique challenge. Existing third-party software solutions were unable to meet their specific needs for customization. 
  • Solution: Create a fully-customized event app in under 30 days.
  • Results: Delegates engaged with the app en masse, with positive feedback coming in as soon as the app went live.